Monday, April 25, 2011

My Life: Entertainment Rivals

Last time I told you a little bit about the beginning of my life; about how I lost my father, began to love entertaining people, and, unfortunately, became an arrogant child the cares for almost nothing but winning and if I can't do it I'll quit. Pretty sad eh!

So I left off talking about dancing, singing, and quitting piano because of a certain rival but you know what that wasn't the last time I had to fight against her. When I hit grade 2 I didn't really care about my grades as long as I was beating everyone in the area of entertainment and music it didn't matter but then came my rival, Rory, now that's not her real name but whatever I'm using it for privacy's sake.

Now Rory was good at almost everything, including school, and I was determined to beat her in every way so... I began asking my mom to do my school work for me knowing that whatever she did would be much better than whatever I could do. Eventually she discovered this trick and made me do my work myself but that didn't mean that every one in a while I couldn't procrastinate and beg for help!

Your probably thinking what a stupid mother doing her daughters work for her but when you think about it she only wanted me to do my best and if I was having problems she didn't like seeing me cry over it! (By the way I'm a really good fake crier I've gotten really good at it over the years.)

OK back to my story well anyway Rory started joining all the things I was doing singing, dance, the whole lot of it. Now your thinking oh it's gonna be one of those classic tale where she beats me at everything well no it wasn't... I beat her in mostly everything I did, well except most of school and piano, but I did have the better voice and dance moves; but the dance was mostly because my dance teacher was more professional and I started singing and dancing before her. Well anyways in grade 2 we both started doing poems and monologues in the music festival along with some community theater.

From the time I was 3 when I went to my first high school play I always wanted to be in one, I even stood or the entire play saying I could do the mum, and I was so excited when I found out they cast me in the community theater play "Cinderella"!! I was so happy but then guess what I found out: Rory was going to be in the play too! That's when I wanted to crush her so I acted as hard as I could be better than her but I guess that was pointless since now one judges who played their character better in the play unless someone is really bad at it. Well tat was a bust and I was a complete brat.

But when we got to festival time I had been coached by my aunt in speech and was determined to beat and I did that year in speech. I also beat her in singing, musical theater and dance, but not piano and grade 2 was the last year that I did piano. Rory was recommended into a higher grade in school she didn't take it but that still meant that she was better then me and no just in case you were wondering I didn't quit school.

So I continued like this for a long time always winning singing, dance, and speech trying my hardest to beat her in school joining community theater when I could and trying to be the best in everything I did. But after a while I didn't always win at everything and people began to catch up with me mostly because I got lazy thinking I would always be the best. But unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Next time please read "What is My Life?" to find out what happened to me (by the way this has nothing to do with drugs) and what am I doing now! The next posting will be called: My Life: Lost and Found

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